
Огляд ринку «Сірка» підготовлений на основі дослідження, метою якого був аналіз світового ринку сірки, тенденції та прогноз.

Об’єктом дослідження є сірка елементна.

Як джерела інформації використовувалися дані виробничої статистики (національних бюро/інститутів статистики за країнами/регіонами, наприклад: Росстат (РФ), Eurostat (Європа/ЄС), МЕТI (Японія) та ін.), статистики зовнішньої торгівлі (Федеральної митної служби РФ), Державної митної служби України, статистику торгівлі міністерств фінансів різних країн (наприклад, Міністерства Фінансів Японії – https://www.customs.go.jp, https://www.e-stat.go.jp/en/ та ін. країн), інтернет-сайтів та річних звітів компаній-продуцентів, а також дані, отримані в результаті телефонних інтерв’ю співробітників компаній-виробників даного продукту.

Хронологічні рамки дослідження: 2016–2021 рр.; (прогноз – 2022-2027 рр.)

Study Geography:

  • Північна Америка: США, Канада;
  • Латинська Америка: Бразилія, Мексика, Аргентина, Венесуела, Колумбія, Чилі, Уругвай, Парагвай, Еквадор, Домініканська Республіка, Гватемала Перу; Тринідад та Тобаго, Куба;
  • Західна Європа Німеччина: Бельгія, Нідерланди, Австрія, Великобританія, Данія, Італія, Іспанія, Франція, Ірландія, Ісландія, Фінляндія, Швеція, Швейцарія, Норвегія, Португалія, Кіпр, Греція, Люксембург;
  • Центральна та Східна Європа: Польща, Болгарія, Румунія, Сербія, Словенія, Словаччина, Р. Чехія, Хорватія, Угорщина, Боснія та Герцеговина, Литва;
  • Азія: Китай, Індія, Індонезія, Японія, Таїланд, Тайвань, Малайзія, Сінгапур, Р. Корея, В’єтнам, Філіппіни;
  • Австралія та Океанія: Австралія, Нова Зеландія;
  • Близький Схід: Ізраїль, Туреччина, ОАЕ, Йорданія, Саудівська Аравія; Іран, Ірак, Бахрейн, Катар, Кувейт, Ліван, Оман, Сирія;
  • Африка: Південно-Африканська Республіка (ПАР), Єгипет, Д.Р. Конго, Марокко, Замбія, Мадагаскар, Алжир, Туніс, Намібія, Танзанія;
  • Євразія: Російська Федерація, Україна, Р. Білорусь, Вірменія, Азербайджан, Казахстан, Киргизстан, Р. Молдова, Таджикистан, Туркменістан, Грузія.

Звіт складається з 5 частин, містить 314 сторінок, зокрема 41 малюнок, 210 таблиць.

У першому розділі звіту дана загальна характеристика сірки, технологія отримання сірки, сфери застосування сірки.

У другому розділі звіту дана характеристика світового ринку сірки (загалом у світі та по регіонах: динаміка виробництва та споживання, структура споживання та прогноз ринку до 2027 р.). Також у цьому розділі наводяться ключові гравці на ринку сірки. Цінова ситуація.

Світовий торговий баланс, найбільші регіони/країни імпортери та постачальники сірки на світових та регіональних ринках.

Третій розділ огляду присвячений виробництву та споживанню сірки на регіональних ринках (у розрізі країн).

У розділі 3.1-3.8 по кожній із зазначених вище країн наводиться інформація про виробників сірки (реквізити, досьє, потужності, продукція, що випускається компанією (основна та супутня), якісна характеристика сірки, інвестиційні проекти та ін.), статистичні дані про обсяги виробництва сірки, розрахункові дані щодо споживання та зовнішньої торгівлі. Географічна структура імпортних та експортних поставок. Також наведено реквізити найбільших споживачів.

Розділ 3.9. (Євразія) включає статистичні дані про сірку в Російській Федерації, Казахстані, Україні, Туркменістані, Р. Білорусь. Реквізити та досьє компаній продуцентів, асортимент продукції, склад, характеристики.

Наведено розрахункові дані про сірку в країнах Євразії: РФ, Р. Білорусь, Україну, Казахстан, Узбекистан, Таджикистан, Туркменістан, Азербайджан, Вірменію, Киргизстан, Молдову, Грузію.

Розділ включає інформацію про обсяги експорту та імпорту сірки, географію її постачання в кожну з країн регіону, аналіз експортно-імпортних цін на сірку в країнах Євразії (2016-2021 рр.).

Крім географічної структури зовнішньої торгівлі по Україні наведено інформацію імпортно-експортних поставок у розрізі компаній – імпортерів та компаній постачальників за період 2020 та 2021 рр. Показано ситуацію у споживчих галузях.

У четвертому розділі надано коротку інформацію про ринок сірки, прогноз ринку та висновки.

У п’ятому розділі наведено список ілюстрацій (малюнки та таблиці).

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).

It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43  або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com

Ammonium thiosulfate as a urease inhibitor

The Market Review «Ammonium thiosulfate as a urease inhibitor» is based on the study aimed at the global market analysis, trends and forecast.

The review studies the Ammonium thiosulfate, its production and consumption

The review "Ammonium thiosulfate" (2020) contains 380 pages, 185 figures, 366 tables.

The first part of the review "Ammonium Thiosulfate" considers general information about Ammonium Thiosulfate: product identification, classification, properties. The use of Ammonium Thiosulfate as an inhibitor and sulfur source.

The second part considers the global market: the largest manufacturers, capacities, investment projects. Production dynamics and geographical structure. Global production and consumption balance. The market forecast for 2020-2025 (in the regional context). World trade, volumes of product involved in intraregional and interregional trade. Geographical structure of world exports and imports. Prices.

The third part of the review concerned the Ammonium thiosulfate market in terms of regions and countries: manufacturers, dossiers, details, main products and investment projects. Production: dynamics and regional structure. Consumption: dynamics and regional structure. Foreign trade (by country): exports and imports geographical structure. Region trade balance.

The Period 2015-2020. Forecast 2021-2025.

Study Geography. The Global Market. Regions / Countries:

  • - North America: USA, Canada;
  • - Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Chili, Uruguay, Uruguay El Salvador, Jamaica);
  • - Western Europe (Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden);
  • - Central and Eastern Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia);
  • - Eurasia (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine);
  • - Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, South Korea, North Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines , Sri Lanka);
  • - Middle East (Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, UAE, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey);
  • - Africa (Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Gabon, Ghana, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Kenya, Congo DR, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Senegal Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, South Africa);
  • - Australia and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea).

The Work of 2020.

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).

It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43 або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com

 See also:

  • "The Fertilizers with Urease and Nitrification Inhibitors"
  • "The Controlled-Release Fertilizers"
  • "The Fertilizers with Slow Nutrients Release"
  • "Sodium and Potassium Thiosulfate"

Pyrogenic Silica (Silicon Dioxide), Fumed Silica, Colloidal Silicon Dioxide

The market review "Pyrogenic Silica (Silicon Dioxide)" (2021) was prepared on the basis of a study aimed at analyzing the Pyrogenic Silica global market, trends as well as forecasts.

The review studies the Pyrogenic Silica (Silicon Dioxide), its production and consumption.

Pyrogenic silica is a mean to solve many problems. The product use is based on its unique properties.

Contains 340 pages, 128 figures, 120 tables.

The first part of the review considers general information about the silicon dioxide market, product identification, classification as well as properties. Industrial production methods, the advantages of using pyrogenic silica, compared with precipitated silica. Technological processes / equipment. Turnkey plant / line. Engineering companies. Patents.

The main raw material for pyrogenic silica production.

The second part considers the global market: the largest manufacturers, capacities, investment projects. Production dynamics and geographical structure. Global production and consumption balance. The market forecast for 2021-2027 (in the regional context). World trade, volumes of product involved in intraregional and interregional trade. Geographical structure of world exports and imports. Prices for raw materials and silica.

The third part of the review concerned the pyrogenic silica market in terms of regions and countries: manufacturers, dossiers, details, main products and investment projects. Production: dynamics and regional structure. Consumption: dynamics, regional and segment structure. Foreign trade (by country): exports and imports geographical structure. Region trade balance. County trade balance. Suppliers of pyrogenic silica, trading companies and representative offices (details, prices).

The period 2015-2020. The forecast 2021-2027.

Study Geography. The Global Market. Regions / Countries:

  • - North America: USA, Canada;
  • - Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Chili, Uruguay, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica);
  • - Western Europe (Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden);
  • - Central and Eastern Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia);
  • - Eurasia (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine);
  • - Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, South Korea, North Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines , Sri Lanka);
  • - Middle East (Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, UAE, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey);
  • - Africa (Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Gabon, Ghana, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Kenya, Congo DR, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Senegal Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, South Africa);
  • - Australia and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea).

The Work of 2021.

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).

It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43 або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com

Synthetic Amorphous Silica (Precipitated)

The market review "Synthetic amorphous silica ( precipitated)" was prepared on the basis of a study aimed at analyzing the synthetic amorphous silica global market, trends as well as forecasts.

The object of research is precipitated silica, its production and consumption.

The market review "Synthetic amorphous silica (precipitated)" was prepared in 2021, and the Pyrogenic Silica market review ( better known as "Aerosil"? TM "EVONIC" (Degussa)) was prepared in parallel.

Contains 476 pages, 77 figures, 420 tables and 9 applications on 177 pages.

The first part of the review "Synthetic amorphous silica (precipitated)" discusses general information about silicon dioxide obtained by precipitation from sodium silicate solution, product identification, international classification of silica. Industrial production methods of synthetic amorphous silica. Basic technological production scheme. Patents. Engineering companies. The main raw material for the production of precipitated silica. Brief analysis of the sodium silicate market as the main raw material for the synthetic amorphous silica production. Areas of synthetic amorphous silica application.

The second part of the study considered the global market: major producers, capacities as well as investment projects. Corporate capacity structure. Dynamics and geographical structure of production and consumption of synthetic amorphous silica. Consumption structure of synthetic amorphous silica (global and by regions). World consumption and production balance. Market forecast for 2021-2027 (at the regional level and on segments). The situation in consuming industries. Perspective use directions. Substitute products. Factors affecting the selection of Synthetic amorphous silica. Global trade, volumes of the product involved in intraregional and interregional trade. Geographic structure of precipitated silica world export-import. Major trade flows. Prices for raw materials and precipitated silica.

The third part of the review concerned the precipitated silica market in terms of regions and countries: manufacturers, dossiers, details, main products and investment projects. Production: dynamics and regional structure. Consumption: dynamics and regional structure. Foreign trade (by country): exports and imports geographical structure. Region trade balance. Suppliers of precipitated silica, trading companies and representative offices (details, prices).

Conclusions and recommendations.

The period 2015-2020 (2021 - estimate), forecast - 2022-2027.

Study Geography. The Global Market. Regions / Countries:

  • - North America: USA, Canada;
  • - Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Chili, Uruguay, Uruguay El Salvador, Jamaica);
  • - Western Europe (Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden);
  • - Central and Eastern Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia);
  • - Eurasia (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine);
  • - Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, South Korea, North Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines , Sri Lanka);
  • - Middle East (Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, UAE, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey);
  • - Africa (Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Gabon, Ghana, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Kenya, Congo DR, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Senegal Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, South Africa);
  • - Australia and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea).

The Work of 2021.

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).

It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43 або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com

Kieselguhr Filters for the Food Industry

The Market Overview "The Kieselguhr Filters for the Food Industry" was prepared on the basis of a study aimed at analyzing the global market for Kieselguhr Filters for the Food Industry, trends and forecasts.

The research object is kieselguhr filters for the food industry, their production and consumption.

Kieselguhr filters are used to remove and separate from the manufactured product organic origin contaminants - yeast residues, hops, coagulated protein. Depending on the technology of different beers production varying degrees of diatomite grinding are used, thus achieving a given quality of product purification.

In the first review part "Kieselguhr filters" the general information on a product is considered: identification, classification, properties. Kieselguhr application in other industries.

The second part considers the global market: the largest kieselguhr filters manufacturers, capacities, investment projects. Production dynamics and geographical structure. Global production and consumption balance. The market forecast for 2020-2025 (in the regional context). World trade, volumes of product involved in intraregional and interregional trade. Geographical structure of world exports and imports. Prices.

The third part of the review concerned the kieselguhr filters market in terms of regions and countries: manufacturers, dossiers, details, main products and investment projects. Production: dynamics and regional structure. Consumption: dynamics and regional structure. Foreign trade (by country): exports and imports geographical structure. Region trade balance.

The Period 2015-2020. Forecast 2021-2025.

Contains 452 pages, 182 figures, 330 tables.

Study Geography. The Global Market. Regions / Countries:

  • - North America: USA, Canada;
  • - Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Chili, Uruguay, Uruguay El Salvador, Jamaica);
  • - Western Europe (Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden);
  • - Central and Eastern Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia);
  • - Eurasia (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine);
  • - Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, South Korea, North Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines , Sri Lanka);
  • - Middle East (Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, UAE, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey);
  • - Africa (Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Gabon, Ghana, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Kenya, Congo DR, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Senegal Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, South Africa);
  • - Australia and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea).

The Work of 2020.

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).

It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43 або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com

Calcium Nitrate Liquid

A liquid form of calcium nitrate (the chemical formula Са(NО3)2).

The market review «Calcium Nitrate Liquid» is based on the study aimed at the market analysis in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, trends and forecasts.

The review studies the Calcium Nitrate Liquid, its production and consumption

Information sources consulted include data from production statistics (national bureaux/institutes of statistics by country/region, for example: Rosstat (RF), Eurostat (Europe/EU), foreign trade statistics (Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, State Customs Service of Ukraine, Internet sites and annual reports of companies-producers, as well as data obtained from telephone interviews of employees of companies-producers of this product.

The report is divided into 6 parts containing 108 pages, including 10 figures, 79 tables.

The first chapter of the report provides a general description and properties of Calcium Nitrate Liquid, methods for producing and application areas of Calcium Nitrate Liquid.

In the second chapter of the report a brief description of the global market of Calcium Nitrate Liquid is given. The key players оn the market of calcium nitrate, including the liquid form, are given.

In the third chapter of the report a brief description of the global market of Calcium Nitrate Liquid is given (by the regions of the world):

The North America: USA;

Asia: China, India;

Australia and Oceania: Australia;

The Middle East: Turkey, Iran;

Africa: South Africa;

Europe: Norway, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy;

In this chapter also key Calcium Nitrate Liquid market players are listed.

The fourth section of the review focuses on the production and consumption of liquid calcium nitrate in Eurasian countries. The section includes statistical data on the release of granulated calcium nitrate and calcium nitrate liquid in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Details and dossiers of producers companies, quality indicators of the products.

The section presents the estimated consumption of calcium granulated nitrate and calcium nitrate in Eurasian countries: RF, Ukraine, R. Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. The section also includes information on the volumes of exports and imports of calcium nitrate, the geographical pattern of its supply to each of the region countries, the analysis of export-import prices for calcium nitrate in the countries of Eurasia (2019-2020).

In addition to the geographical structure of foreign trade in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, information on import and export supplies in the context of importing companies and suppliers for the period 2019-2020 is given. The forecast of production and consumption of calcium granulated nitrate and calcium nitrate in Russia and Ukraine to 2025 is given.

The fifth section gives a brief information on the calcium nitrate market, market forecast and conclusions.

The list of illustrations (figures, tables) is presented in the sixth section.

The Work of 2021.

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).

It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43 або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com

Zirconium / Zirconium Dioxide

Zirconium / Zirconium Dioxide (the chemical formula: Zircon ZrSiO4, Zirconium Dioxide ZrO2).

The Market Review «Zirconium / Zirconium Dioxide» is based on the study aimed at the global market analysis, trends and forecast.

The object of the study are Zircon and Zirconium Dioxide, its production and consumption.

Information sources consulted include data from production statistics (national bureaux/institutes of statistics by country/region, for example: Rosstat (RF), Eurostat (Europe/EU), METI (Japan), etc.), foreign trade statistics (Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, State Customs Service of Ukraine, trade statistics of finance ministries (for example, Ministry of Finance of Japan - https://ww.customs.go.jp, https://www.e-stat.gop/en/ etc.), Internet sites and annual reports of companies-producers, as well as data obtained from telephone interviews of employees of companies-producers of this product.

Timeframe of the study: 2016-2020. Estimate of 2021 (based on the data for 6 months), forecast - 2022-2027.

Study Geography:

- North America: USA, Canada;

- Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico;

- Western Europe: Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Sweden;

- Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, Hungary;

- Asia: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka;

- Australia and Oceania: Australia;

- Middle East: UAE, Turkey;

- Africa: Republic of South Africa, Madagascar, Mozambique, Senegal, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Sierra Lyon;

- Eurasia: Russian Federation, Ukraine, Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan.

The report is divided into 6 parts containing 380 pages, including 61 figures, 213 tables.

The first chapter of the report provides a general description and properties of Zircon and Zirconium Dioxide.

The second chapter of the report describes the world zircon market. The world's supply of Zircon and its production of zircon in the context of different countries and regions in 2016-2020. Supply and demand forces in the zircon market.

The methods for producing synthetic zirconium dioxide (fused, chemical), natural zirconium dioxide (baddeleite concentrate) and zirconium (metal zirconium) are described.

The scope of zircon, zirconium dioxide, metal zirconium are detailed in the report.

The third chapter of the report describes the global zirconium dioxide market (globally and regionally: capacity, production and consumption dynamics, consumption patterns, the situation in consuming industries and market trends on consumer segments, market forecast by 2027). In this chapter also key zirconium dioxide market players are listed. Zirconium dioxide prices given by the largest suppliers. World trade balance, major regions/countries, zirconium dioxide importers and suppliers to the global and regional markets.

The fourth section of the review focuses on the production and consumption of zirconium dioxide in regional markets (for different countries).

Sections 4.1-4.9 for each of the above countries provide information on manufacturers of zircon, zirconium dioxide (specifications, dossiers, capacities, company products (main and related), quality characteristics of zirconium dioxide, investment projects, etc.), statistics on zirconium dioxide production, the calculated consumption data and foreign trade. The geographical pattern of imports and exports.

The Section 4.9. (Eurasia) includes statistics on the release of zircon, zirconium dioxide (natural and synthetic) in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Details and dossiers of companies-producers, quality indicators of the products. The estimated consumption data of zircon and zirconium dioxide in the countries of Eurasia: the Russian Federation, Ukraine, The Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan.

The section also includes information on the volumes of exports and imports of zircon, zirconium dioxide, the geography of their supply to each of the region countries, the analysis of export-import prices for zircon and zirconium dioxide in the countries of Eurasia (2016-2020). In addition to the geographical structure of foreign trade in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the information on import and export supplies in the context of importing companies and suppliers for the period 2019-2020 is given.

The fifth section gives a brief information on the zircon and zirconium dioxide market, market forecast, conclusions.

The list of illustrations (figures, tables) is presented in the sixth section.

The Work of 2021.

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).

It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43 або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com

або в огляді «Кізельгурові фільтри»   (2020  р.)  452с., 182 рис.,  330 табл.

Aluminium Fluoride

The Market Review «Aluminium Fluoride» is based on the study aimed at the global market analysis, trends and forecast.

The review studies the Aluminium Fluoride, its production and consumption.

Information sources consulted include data from production statistics (national bureaux/institutes of statistics by country/region, for example: Rosstat (RF), Eurostat (Europe/EU), METI (Japan), etc.), foreign trade statistics (Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, State Customs Service of Ukraine, trade statistics of finance ministries (for example, Ministry of Finance of Japan - https://ww.customs.go.jp, https://www.e-stat.gop/en/ etc.), Internet sites and annual reports of companies-producers, as well as data obtained from telephone interviews of employees of companies-producers of this product.

Timeframe of the study: 2016-2020. Estimate of 2021 (based on the data for 6 months), forecast - 2022-2028.

Study Geography:

- North America: USA, Canada;

- Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela;

- Western Europe: Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, France, Sweden, Iceland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece;

- Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Montenegro;

- Asia: China, India, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia;

- Australia and Oceania: Australia, New Zealand;

- Middle East: UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Iran, Turkey;

- Africa: South Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, Mozambique, Ghana, Cameroon;

- Eurasia: Russian Federation, Ukraine, Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan.

The report is divided into 6 parts containing 209 pages, including 72 figures, 183 tables.

The first chapter of the report provides a general description and properties of Aluminium Fluoride, methods for producing, application areas of Aluminium Fluoride, as well as its consumption pattern.

The second chapter of the report describes the global Aluminium Fluoride market. Capacities and production of aluminium fluoride by countries and regions in 2016-2020 are given. The largest producers of aluminium fluoride as well as its production are represented in the report. Aluminum fluoride market forecast for 2021 is provided.

The third chapter of the report describes the global Aluminium Fluoride market (globally and regionally: capacity, production and consumption dynamics, consumption patterns, the situation in consuming industries and market trends on consumer segments, market forecast by 2028). In this chapter also key Aluminium Fluoride market players are listed. Aluminium Fluoride prices given by the largest suppliers. World trade balance, major regions/countries, Aluminium Fluoride importers and suppliers to the global and regional markets.

The fourth section of the review focuses on the production and consumption of Aluminium Fluoride in regional markets (for different countries).

Sections 4.1-4.9 for each of the above countries provide information on manufacturers of Aluminium Fluoride (specifications, dossiers, capacities, company products (main and related), quality characteristics of Aluminium Fluoride, investment projects, etc.), statistics on Aluminium Fluoride production, the calculated consumption data and foreign trade. The geographical pattern of imports and exports.

Details of the largest consumers are also given.

The Section 4.9. (Eurasia) includes statistics on the release of Aluminium Fluoride in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Tajikistan. Details and dossiers of companies-producers, quality indicators of the products are given. The estimated consumption data of Aluminium Fluoride in the countries of Eurasia: the Russian Federation, Ukraine, The Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan. The section also includes information on the volumes of exports and imports of Aluminium Fluoride, the geography of its supply to each of the region countries, the analysis of export-import prices for Aluminium Fluoride in the countries of Eurasia (2016-2020).

In addition to the geographical structure of foreign trade in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, information on import and export supplies in the context of importing companies and suppliers for the period 2019-2020 is given.

The fifth section gives a brief information on the Aluminium Fluoride market, market forecast, conclusions.

The list of illustrations (figures, tables) is presented in the sixth section.

The Work of 2021.

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).

It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43 або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com

Titanium Dioxide

The Market Review «Titanium Dioxide» is based on the study aimed at the global market analysis, trends and forecast.
Titanium Dioxide, chemical formula TiO2.

The review studies the Titanium Dioxide, its production and consumption.

Information sources consulted include data from production statistics (national bureaux/institutes of statistics by country/region, for example: Rosstat (RF), Eurostat (Europe/EU), METI (Japan), National Chemical Industry Productive Forces Promotion Center Titanium Dioxide Branch (China) etc.), foreign trade statistics (Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, State Customs Service of Ukraine, trade statistics of finance ministries (for example, Ministry of Finance of Japan - https://ww.customs.go.jp, https://www.e-stat.gop/en/ etc.), Internet sites and annual reports of companies-producers, as well as data obtained from telephone interviews of employees of companies-producers of this product.

Timeframe of the study: 2015-2019. Estimate of 2020 (based on the data for 8 months), forecast - 2021-2027.

Study Geography:
- North America: USA, Canada;
- Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica;
- Western Europe: Austria, Denmark, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Portugal, Ireland, Luxembourg;
- Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Estonia;
- Asia: China, India, Republic of Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Sri Lanka;
- Australia and Oceania: Australia, New Zealand;
- Middle East: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, UAE, Jordan, Oman;
- Africa: South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Kenya, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco;
- Eurasia: the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan.

The report is divided into 6 parts, containing 425 pages, including 76 figures, 281 tables.

The first chapter of the report provides a general description and properties of Titanium Dioxide, methods for producing, application areas of Titanium Dioxide, as well as its consumption pattern.
The second chapter of the report describes the global market of titanium-containing minerals (ilmenite, rutile). Production figures of titanium raw materials by countries in 2017-2029 are given. The largest producers of titanium-containing minerals are represented in the report.
The third chapter The third chapter of the report describes the global Titanium Dioxide market (globally and regionally: capacity, production and consumption dynamics, consumption patterns, the situation in consuming industries and market trends on consumer segments, market forecast by 2027). In this chapter also key Titanium Dioxide market players are listed. Prices of Titanium Dioxide and alternative products (zinc oxide and lithopone) are given. The World trade balance, major regions/countries, Titanium Dioxide importers and suppliers to the global and regional markets.
The fourth section of the review focuses on the production and consumption of Titanium Dioxide in regional markets (for different countries).
Sections 4.1-4.9 for each of the above countries provide information on manufacturers of Titanium Dioxide (specifications, dossiers, capacities, company products (main and related), quality characteristics of Titanium Dioxide, investment projects, etc.), statistics on Titanium Dioxide production, the calculated consumption data and foreign trade. The geographical pattern of imports and exports. Details of the largest consumers are also given.
The Section 4.9. (Eurasia) includes statistics on the release of Titanium Dioxide in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Details and dossiers of companies-producers, quality indicators of the products are given. The estimated consumption data of Titanium Dioxide in the countries of Eurasia: the Russian Federation, Ukraine, The Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Georgia.
The section also includes information on the volumes of exports and imports of Titanium Dioxide, the geography of its supply to each of the region countries, the analysis of export-import prices for Titanium Dioxide in the countries of Eurasia (2015-2020). In addition to the geographical structure of foreign trade in the Russian Federation and Ukraine the information on import and export supplies in the context of importing companies and suppliers for the period 2019-2020 is given.
The fifth section gives a brief information on the Titanium Dioxide market, market forecast, conclusions
The list of the review the list of illustrations (figures, tables) is presented.

The Work of 2021.

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).
It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43 або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com

Food Phosphates

The Market Review «Food Phosphates» is based on the study aimed at the analysis of current state and prospects of the world market development.
The review studies Food Phosphates
- sodium phosphates;
- sodium phosphates;
- sodium phosphates;
- other phosphates (triammonium, trisodium, etc.);
- polyphosphates (tripolyphosphate, etc.).

Information sources consulted consulted include data from production statistics (national bureaux/institutes of statistics by country/region, for example: Rosstat (RF), Eurostat (Europe/EU), METI (Japan), etc.), foreign trade statistics (Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, State Customs Service of Ukraine, trade statistics of finance ministries (for example, Ministry of Finance of Japan - https://ww.customs.go.jp, https://www.e-stat.gop/en/ etc.), Internet sites and annual reports of companies-producers, as well as data obtained from telephone interviews of employees of companies-producers of this product.

Timeframe of the study:2015-2019

Study Geography::
- North America: USA, Canada;
- Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico;
- Western Europe: Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Switzerland;
- Central and Eastern Europe: Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania;
- Asia: China, India, Japan, Thailand, Singapore;
- Middle East: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey;
- Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa;
- Australia and Oceania: Australia;
- Eurasia: the Russian Federation.

The report is divided into 4 parts, containing 474 pages, including 99 figures, 280 tables.

The first chapter of the report provides a general description and properties of food phosphate, its classification, application areas as well as regulations.
The second part of the report describes the global food phosphate market (globally and regionally: production and consumption dynamics, consumption patterns and market forecast).
In this chapter also key food phosphate market players are listed. World trade balance, major regions/countries, food phosphate importers and suppliers to the global and regional markets. Trends in international food phosphate prices are given.
The third chapter of the review focuses on the production and consumption of food phosphate in regional markets (for different countries).
Sections 3.1-3.9 for each of the above countries provide information on manufacturers of food phosphate (specifications, dossiers, capacities, company products (main and related), quality characteristics of food phosphate, investment projects, etc.), statistics on food phosphate production, the calculated consumption data and foreign trade. The geographical pattern of imports and exports. Details of the largest consumers are also given.
The Section 3.10. (Eurasia) includes statistics on the release of food phosphate in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. Details and dossiers of companies-producers, quality indicators of the products are given.
The calculated data for the citric acid consumption in Eurasia are given: the Russian Federation, Ukraine, The Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan.
The section also includes information on the volumes of exports and imports of food phosphate, the geography of its supply to each of the region countries, the analysis of export-import prices for food phosphate in the countries of Eurasia (2015-2019).
In addition to the geographical structure of foreign trade in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the information on import and export supplies in the context of importing companies and suppliers for the period 2017, 2018 and 2019 is given.
The fourth section of the review the list of illustrations (figures, tables) is presented.

The Work of 2020.

Reviews are periodically updated (production and customs statistics, prices, investment projects, capacity, details revision and dossiers of manufacturers, consumer companies, suppliers).
It is possible to finalize/develop a review on the specifications of the Customer.

Typical content of marketing reviews see the section «The reviews».

For the relevant content please contact by the phone or e-mail indicated below:

Тел.: +380 (472) 36-03-29, (093) 588 71 43 або

e- mail: niitehim.info@gmail.com